Sunday, June 28, 2015


I've started blogging, and I just can't stop.  Let's talk about ThingLink.  ThingLink is my new favorite technology tool.  I know what you're thinking.  Every new technology tool I share is my new favorite technology tool.  But this one really is cool!  Thinglink allows you to present information in an interactive way.  All you have to do is download a picture.  To that picture you can add features such as text, audio, videos, and more.  I watched the following YouTube video to help me get started.

 I made a ThingLink for the 2015-2016 Bluebonnet Nominees.  A link attached to each book will take you to a book trailer for that book.  I also added an extra feature on the Always Abigail book. Recently, I created a reader's theater podcast, so I provided the link to that podcast. 

You can also search on the ThingLink site for examples of presentations.  I found this one on independent and dependent clauses.   

The possibilities are endless.  Here are some ideas that popped into my head:
  •  a report on Texas regions
  • a report on one of the 50 states
  • a biography report
  • rocks & minerals report
ThingLink is FREE.  You can upgrade to an educator's package that is fairly economical for just $39 per year.  However, just get started with the free version.  You'll be glad you did.

Have fun with my new favorite technology tool!


  1. This is awesome! Its also very helpful. I can see there is a lot of potential. In what ways do you think you will use this in the Library? (In addition to you great image for the Bluebonnet nominees of course)

    1. Thanks! I really want to do the virtual tour of the library like we were shown in class. I also think you could do author studies. I usually have a bulletin board featuring an author, but I think this would be a great way to have instant links to like books, trailers, author's websites.

  2. I love the way you displayed the bluebonnet nominees and how ThingLink allows to add a book trailer of the book. That's my favorite part-adding book trailers. Thank you so much for sharing. I will look into it.

  3. Wow, Stacey! I'm blown away by the dependent/independent clause one! Using those songs = Fantastic! ALMOST makes me want to unretire! BTW, I"m so happy for your blessing of landing that dream job. That would have been my dream job, too!. Keep finding new favorites in technology and sharing here. I'll be reading about what you find.

  4. This is super cool! You are right, the possibilities are endless!

  5. This is super cool! You are right, the possibilities are endless!

  6. Great use of Thinglink! You have some awesome ideas and have inspired me!

  7. That's outstanding! I have never tried this program but it is now on my list of try this! Thanks
